Comparative genomics reveals a dynamic genome evolution in the ectomycorrhizal milk‐cap (Lactarius) mushrooms
Specialized Plant Growth Chamber Designs to Study Complex Rhizosphere Interactions
Identification of candidate genes in Arabidopsis and Populus cell wall biosynthesis using text-mining, co-expression network analysis and comparative genomics
The core metabolome and root exudation dynamics of three phylogenetically distinct plant species
Mutations in the predicted DNA polymerase subunit POLD3 result in more rapid flowering of Brachypodium distachyon
Integrative genomics reveals paths to sex dimorphism in Salix purpurea L
Division of labor in honey bee gut microbiota for plant polysaccharide digestion
Information theory and machine learning illuminate large‐scale metabolomic responses of Brachypodium distachyon to environmental change
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
An Insect Herbivore Microbiome with High Plant Biomass-Degrading Capacity
The molecular dimension of microbial species: 3. Comparative genomics of Synechococcus strains with different light responses and in situ diel transcription patterns of associated putative ecotypes in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat
Getting to the Root of Plant‐Mediated Methane Emissions and Oxidation in a Thermokarst Bog