Development of a thermophilic coculture for corn fiber conversion to ethanol
A perspective: Metatranscriptomics as a tool for the discovery of novel biocatalysts
High Potential for Biomass-Degrading Enzymes Revealed by Hot Spring Metagenomics
A Genetic Engineering Toolbox for the Lignocellulolytic Anaerobic Gut Fungus Neocallimastix frontalis
A metagenomic insight into freshwater methane-utilizing communities and evidence for cooperation between the Methylococcaceae and the Methylophilaceae
Transductomics: sequencing-based detection and analysis of transduced DNA in pure cultures and microbial communities
Identification of 2‑Hydroxyacyl-CoA Synthases with High Acyloin Condensation Activity for Orthogonal One-Carbon Bioconversion
Role of diversity-generating retroelements for regulatory pathway tuning in cyanobacteria
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential Along a Hypersaline Gradient
Genome Project Standards in a New Era of Sequencing
Performance evaluation and tuning of BioPig for genomic analysis
p-Nitrophenyl esters provide new insights and applications for the thiolase enzyme OleA