Substrate availability and not thermal acclimation controls microbial temperature sensitivity response to long‐term warming
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential in Cultivated and Native Tallgrass Prairie Soils of the Midwestern United States
Comparative genomics of Mollicutes-related endobacteria supports a late invasion into Mucoromycota fungi
Viral potential to modulate microbial methane metabolism varies by habitat
Microbial co-habitation and lateral gene transfer: what transposases can tell us
The genome of Laccaria bicolor provides insights into mycorrhizal symbiosis
Metagenomes in the Borderline Ecosystems of the Antarctic Cryptoendolithic Communities
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
Insights into the Maize Pan-Genome and Pan-Transcriptome
Transductomics: sequencing-based detection and analysis of transduced DNA in pure cultures and microbial communities
Viral community analysis in a marine oxygen minimum zone indicates increased potential for viral manipulation of microbial physiological state
The Metagenome of an Anaerobic Microbial Community Decomposing Poplar Wood Chips