Complete Genome Sequence of Methanoregula formicica SMSPT, a Mesophilic Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Methanogenic Upflow Anaerobic Sludge Blanket Reactor
gRNA-SeqRET: a universal tool for targeted and genome-scale gRNA design and sequence extraction for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Genome Sequence of the Chestnut Blight Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica EP155: A Fundamental Resource for an Archetypical Invasive Plant Pathogen.
Complete genome sequence of Methanoculleus marisnigri Romesser et al. 1981 type strain JR1
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic, amino-acid-degrading and sulfur-reducing bacterium Thermovirga lienii type strain (Cas60314T)
Implications of the Plastid Genome Sequence of Typha (Typhaceae, Poales) for Understanding Genome Evolution in Poaceae
Draft Genome Sequence of Mn(II)-Oxidizing Bacterium Oxalobacteraceae sp. Strain AB_14
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Chryseobacterium bovis DSM 19482T, isolated from raw cow milk
On Single-Cell Enzyme Assays in Marine Microbial Ecology and Biogeochemistry