Novel heavy metal resistance gene clusters are present in the genome of Cupriavidus neocaledonicus STM 6070, a new species of Mimosa pudica microsymbiont isolated from heavy-metal-rich mining site soil
A new-to-nature carboxylation module to improve natural and synthetic CO2 fixation
Comparative genomics reveals insights into characterization and distribution of quorum sensing-related genes in Shewanella algae from marine environment and clinical sources
Unusual biology across a group comprising more than 15% of domain Bacteria
Soil metabolomics: Deciphering underground metabolic webs in terrestrial ecosystems
Spirochaeta cellobiosiphila sp. nov., a facultatively anaerobic, marine spirochaete
SAR11 bacteria linked to ocean anoxia and nitrogen loss
Phototrophic Co-cultures From Extreme Environments: Community Structure and Potential Value for Fundamental and Applied Research
Genomic Expansion of Domain Archaea Highlights Roles for Organisms from New Phyla in Anaerobic Carbon Cycling
Description of Candidatus Mesopelagibacter carboxydoxydans and Candidatus Anoxipelagibacter denitrificans: Nitrate-reducing SAR11 genera that dominate mesopelagic and anoxic marine zones
Diverse Marinimicrobia bacteria may mediate coupled biogeochemical cycles along eco-thermodynamic gradients
Phylometagenomics of cycad coralloid roots reveals shared symbiotic signals.