Beyond the tip of the iceberg; a new view of the diversity of sulfite- and sulfate-reducing microorganisms
Genomic insights into redox-driven microbial processes for carbon decomposition in thawing Arctic soils and permafrost.
Genomic features of bacterial adaptation to plants
Genomic diversity within the haloalkaliphilic genus Thioalkalivibrio
The Genomes On Line Database (GOLD) in 2007: status of genomic and metagenomic projects and their associated metadata
Unusual biology across a group comprising more than 15% of domain Bacteria
RegPrecise: a database of curated genomic inferences of transcriptional regulatory interactions in prokaryotes
RegPrecise 3.0 – A resource for genome-scale exploration of transcriptional regulation in bacteria
IMG-ABC: new features for bacterial secondary metabolism analysis and targeted biosynthetic gene cluster discovery in thousands of microbial genomes
Genomic Features Predict Bacterial Life History Strategies in Soil, as Identified by Metagenomic Stable Isotope Probing
Horizontal gene transfer of the Mer operon is associated with large effects on the transcriptome and increased tolerance to mercury in nitrogen-fixing bacteria
Cultivation of novel Atribacterota from oil well provides new insight into their diversity, ecology, and evolution in anoxic, carbon-rich environments