Global metagenomic survey reveals a new bacterial candidate phylum in geothermal springs
JGI Plant Gene Atlas: an updateable transcriptome resource to improve functional gene descriptions across the plant kingdom
Large variability of bathypelagic microbial eukaryotic communities across the world’s oceans
Standardized naming of microbiome samples in Genomes OnLine Database.
Science Stories
Shotgun metagenomic analysis of microbial communities from the Loxahatchee nature preserve in the Florida Everglades
Tracking heavy water (D2O) incorporation for identifying and sorting active microbial cells
Metaproteomics method to determine carbon sources and assimilation pathways of species in microbial communities
Metagenomic analysis of intertidal hypersaline microbial mats from Elkhorn Slough, California, grown with and without molybdate
Methane Cycling Microbial Community Characteristics: Comparing Natural, Actively Extracted, Restored and Unrestored Boreal Peatlands
101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens
Microbial polyphenol metabolism is part of the thawing permafrost carbon cycle