A Genomic Catalog of Stress Response Genes in Anaerobic Fungi for Applications in Bioproduction
Computational Strategies for Scalable Genomics Analysis
Machine Learning Reveals Signatures of Promiscuous Microbial Amidases for Micropollutant Biotransformations
Protocol for condition-dependent metabolite yield prediction using the TRIMER pipeline
RegTransBase – a database of regulatory sequences and interactions based on literature: a resource for investigating transcriptional regulation in prokaryotes
Defining the Sphagnum Core Microbiome across the North American Continent Reveals a Central Role for Diazotrophic Methanotrophs in the Nitrogen and Carbon Cycles of Boreal Peatland Ecosystems
A synthetic pathway for the fixation of carbon dioxide in vitro
Structural and Functional Modularity of the Orange Carotenoid Protein: Distinct Roles for the N- and C-Terminal Domains in Cyanobacterial Photoprotection
A parts list for fungal cellulosomes revealed by comparative genomics
MycoCosm, the JGI’s Fungal Genome Portal for Comparative Genomic and Multiomics Data Analyses
Brachypodium distachyon and Setaria viridis: Model Genetic Systems for the Grasses.
A metagenomic insight into freshwater methane-utilizing communities and evidence for cooperation between the Methylococcaceae and the Methylophilaceae