IMG/PR: a database of plasmids from genomes and metagenomes with rich annotations and metadata
Metagenomic Discovery of Biomass-Degrading Genes and Genomes from Cow Rumen
Genome Sequence of Roseovarius sp. Strain MCTG156(2b) Isolated from a Phytoplankton Net Trawl on the Scottish West Coast
Decomposing a San Francisco estuary microbiome using long-read metagenomics reveals species- and strain-level dominance from picoeukaryotes to viruses
Metabolic engineering of Clostridium thermocellum for n-butanol production from cellulose
Insight into trade‐off between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen
Chapter Seven Phylogenetics and Phylogenomics of Rust Fungi
Draft genome sequence of Dethiosulfovibrio salsuginis DSM 21565T an anaerobic, slightly halophilic bacterium isolated from a Colombian saline spring
Members of the Genus Methylobacter Are Inferred To Account for the Majority of Aerobic Methane Oxidation in Oxic Soils from a Freshwater Wetland
Phylogenomic Analyses of Non-Dikarya Fungi Supports Horizontal Gene Transfer Driving Diversification of Secondary Metabolism in the Amphibian Gastrointestinal Symbiont, Basidiobolus
New insights from uncultivated genomes of the global human gut microbiome
Complete Genome Sequence of Cupriavidus basilensis 4G11, Isolated from the Oak Ridge Field Research Center Site