Genome Sequence of Roseovarius sp. Strain MCTG156(2b) Isolated from a Phytoplankton Net Trawl on the Scottish West Coast
Genome sequence of Phaeobacter caeruleus type strain (DSM 24564T), a surface-associated member of the marine Roseobacter clade
Genome sequence of the Litoreibacter arenae type strain (DSM 19593T), a member of the Roseobacter clade isolated from sea sand
Complete genome sequence of “Thioalkalivibrio sulfidophilus” HL-EbGr7
Analyses of expressed sequence tags from the maize foliar pathogen Cercospora zeae-maydis identify novel genes expressed during vegetative, infectious, and reproductive growth
Complete genome sequence of the termite hindgut bacterium Spirochaeta coccoides type strain (SPN1T), reclassification in the genus Sphaerochaeta as Sphaerochaeta coccoides comb. nov. and emendations of the family Spirochaetaceae and the genus
Complete genome sequence of Meiothermus silvanus type strain (VI-R2T)
Draft Genome Sequence and Description of Janthinobacterium sp. Strain CG3, a Psychrotolerant Antarctic Supraglacial Stream Bacterium
Genome sequence of the filamentous, gliding Thiothrix nivea neotype strain (JP2T)
Genome Sequence of the Fleming Strain of Micrococcus luteus, a Simple Free-Living Actinobacterium▿ †‡
Complete genome sequence of Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus strain AHT2T, a haloalkaliphilic sulfidogen from Egyptian hypersaline alkaline lakes
Complete genome sequence of Stackebrandtia nassauensis type strain (LLR-40K-21T)