Complete genome sequence of Thermocrinis albus type strain (HI 11/12T)
Annotated Genome Sequence of the High-Biomass-Producing Yellow-Green Alga Tribonema minus
Genome sequence of Ensifer arboris strain LMG 14919T; a microsymbiont of the legume Prosopis chilensis growing in Kosti, Sudan
Complete genome sequence of Sanguibacter keddieii type strain (ST-74T)
Genome Sequence of Nitrosomonas sp. Strain AL212, an Ammonia-Oxidizing Bacterium Sensitive to High Levels of Ammonia
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of plant-growth promoting Serratia proteamaculans S4
High quality permanent draft genome sequence of Chryseobacterium bovis DSM 19482T, isolated from raw cow milk
Draft Genome Sequence of Yokenella regensburgei Strain WCD67, Isolated from the Boxelder Bug
Genome Sequence of the Mercury-Methylating Strain Desulfovibrio desulfuricans ND132
Genome Sequence of the Anaerobic, Thermophilic, and Cellulolytic Bacterium “Anaerocellum thermophilum” DSM 6725▿
Complete genome sequence of Thioalkalivibrio sp. K90mix
Comparative genome sequence analysis underscores mycoparasitism as the ancestral life style of Trichoderma