Complete genome sequence of Desulfurivibrio alkaliphilus strain AHT2T, a haloalkaliphilic sulfidogen from Egyptian hypersaline alkaline lakes
Transcriptome analysis of Aspergillus niger xlnR and xkiA mutants grown on corn Stover and soybean hulls reveals a highly complex regulatory network
High quality draft genome sequence of Corynebacterium ulceribovis type strain IMMIB-L1395T (DSM 45146T)
Complete genome sequence of the acetate-degrading sulfate reducer Desulfobacca acetoxidans type strain (ASRB2T)
Conifer DBMagic: a database housing multiple de novo transcriptome assemblies for 12 diverse conifer species
Role of diversity-generating retroelements for regulatory pathway tuning in cyanobacteria
Genome Sequence of Chthoniobacter flavus Ellin428, an Aerobic Heterotrophic Soil Bacterium
Complete genome sequence of Granulicella tundricola type strain MP5ACTX9T, an Acidobacteria from tundra soil
Non-contiguous finished genome sequence of Aminomonas paucivorans type strain (GLU-3T)
Scaling metagenome sequence assembly with probabilistic de Bruijn graphs
Complete Genome sequence of Burkholderia phymatum STM815T, a broad host range and efficient nitrogen-fixing symbiont of Mimosa species
Genome sequence of the free-living aerobic spirochete Turneriella parva type strain (HT), and emendation of the species Turneriella parva