Comparative analysis of carboxysome shell proteins
Comparative genomic reconstruction of transcriptional networks controlling central metabolism in the Shewanella genus
16S rRNA Gene Amplicon Sequencing Data from Flooded Rice Paddy Mesocosms Treated with Different Silicon-Rich Soil Amendments
Correlation-based network analysis combined with machine learning techniques highlight the role of the GABA shunt in Brachypodium sylvaticum freezing tolerance
Metabolic Potential for Reductive Acetogenesis and a Novel Energy-Converting [NiFe] Hydrogenase in Bathyarchaeia From Termite Guts – A Genome-Centric Analysis
Physiological and genomic evidence of cysteine degradation and aerobic hydrogen sulfide production in freshwater bacteria
Systems-wide analysis revealed shared and unique responses to moderate and acute high temperatures in the green alga Chlamydomonas reinhardtii
Visualizing metagenomic and metatranscriptomic data: A comprehensive review
Metabolic analysis of the soil microbe Dechloromonas aromatica str. RCB: indications of a surprisingly complex life-style and cryptic anaerobic pathways for aromatic degradation
Genomic evidence for the degradation of terrestrial organic matter by pelagic Arctic Ocean Chloroflexi bacteria
Model Choice, Missing Data, and Taxon Sampling Impact Phylogenomic Inference of Deep Basidiomycota Relationships.
Structural dynamics and transcriptomic analysis of Dehalococcoides mccartyi within a TCE-Dechlorinating community in a completely mixed flow reactor