Metagenomic analysis of microbial consortium from natural crude oil that seeps into the marine ecosystem offshore Southern California
Genomic prediction of switchgrass winter survivorship across diverse lowland populations
Diverse Marinimicrobia bacteria may mediate coupled biogeochemical cycles along eco-thermodynamic gradients
Nitrosopumilus maritimus genome reveals unique mechanisms for nitrification and autotrophy in globally distributed marine crenarchaea
Rokubacteria: Genomic Giants among the Uncultured Bacterial Phyla
Viruses control dominant bacteria colonizing the terrestrial deep biosphere after hydraulic fracturing
Protist impacts on marine cyanovirocell metabolism
The Genomic Standards Consortium
RegPrecise 3.0 – A resource for genome-scale exploration of transcriptional regulation in bacteria
Microbial ecology of an Antarctic hypersaline lake: genomic assessment of ecophysiology among dominant haloarchaea
Targeted hypermutation of putative antigen sensors in multicellular bacteria
Viral and metabolic controls on high rates of microbial sulfur and carbon cycling in wetland ecosystems