IMG/M: integrated genome and metagenome comparative data analysis system
Complete genome sequence of Actinosynnema mirum type strain (101T)
Metatranscriptomics sheds light on the links between the functional traits of fungal guilds and ecological processes in forest soil ecosystems
The integrated microbial genomes system: an expanding comparative analysis resource
Comparative Genomics of the Ectomycorrhizal Sister Species Rhizopogon vinicolor and Rhizopogon vesiculosus (Basidiomycota: Boletales) Reveals a Divergence of the Mating Type B Locus
Complete genome sequence of the gliding, heparinolytic Pedobacter saltans type strain (113T)
Identification of a Novel Nematotoxic Protein by Challenging the Model Mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea with a Fungivorous Nematode
Complete genome sequence of Bacteroides helcogenes type strain (P 36–108T)
Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi
Complete genome sequence of Sulfurospirillum deleyianum type strain (5175T)
High quality draft genome sequence of Bacteroides barnesiae type strain BL2T (DSM 18169T) from chicken caecum
Heterologous Expression and Characterization of Two 1-Hydroxy-2-Naphthoic Acid Dioxygenases from Arthrobacter phenanthrenivorans