A complete toolset for the study of Ustilago bromivora and Brachypodium sp. as a fungal-temperate grass pathosystem
Evolutionary genomics of the cold-adapted diatom Fragilariopsis cylindrus
The biogeographic differentiation of algal microbiomes in the upper ocean from pole to pole
How To Use Our Systems
Incorporating Genomics and Bioinformatics across the Life Sciences Curriculum
Chapter Five The Sphagnum Genome Project A New Model for Ecological and Evolutionary Genomics
Fungal ecological strategies reflected in gene transcription ‐ a case study of two litter decomposers
A Practical Approach to Using the Genomic Standards Consortium MIxS Reporting Standard for Comparative Genomics and Metagenomics
Development of a Freeze-Dried CRISPR-Cas12 Sensor for Detecting Wolbachia in the Secondary Science Classroom
Chapter Twelve Genomics for Key Players in the N Cycle From Guinea Pigs to the Next Frontier
Sequencing the Genomes of the First Terrestrial Fungal Lineages: What Have We Learned?
Single-cell genomics reveal low recombination frequencies in freshwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade