Position-Specific Metabolic Probing and Metagenomics of Microbial Communities Reveal Conserved Central Carbon Metabolic Network Activities at High Temperatures
Improving genome assemblies by sequencing PCR products with PacBio
The United States Culture Collection Network (USCCN): Enhancing Microbial Genomics Research through Living Microbe Culture Collections
Extensive Rearrangements in the Chloroplast Genome of Trachelium caeruleum Are Associated with Repeats and tRNA Genes
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
Improved Draft Genome Sequence of Microbacterium sp. Strain LKL04, a Bacterial Endophyte Associated with Switchgrass Plants
Metatranscriptomic analysis of lignocellulolytic microbial communities involved in high-solids decomposition of rice straw
Impacts of The Wetland Sedge Carex aquatilis on Microbial Community and Methane Metabolisms
Genome sequences of four novel Endozoicomonas strains associated with a tropical octocoral in a long-term aquarium facility.
Metagenomic investigation of the geologically unique Hellenic Volcanic Arc reveals a distinctive ecosystem with unexpected physiology
Global patterns of diversity and metabolism of microbial communities in deep-sea hydrothermal vent deposits
IMG/M v.5.0: an integrated data management and comparative analysis system for microbial genomes and microbiomes