Coevolution of the Ess1-CTD axis in polar fungi suggests a role for phase separation in cold tolerance
Identification of beneficial and detrimental bacteria impacting sorghum responses to drought using multi-scale and multi-system microbiome comparisons
Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD) v.6: data updates and feature enhancements
EcoFABs: advancing microbiome science through standardized fabricated ecosystems
Examining the cause of high inbreeding depression: analysis of whole‐genome sequence data in 28 selfed progeny of Eucalyptus grandis
A functional microbiome catalogue crowdsourced from North American rivers
Elucidating Essential Role of Conserved Carboxysomal Protein CcmN Reveals Common Feature of Bacterial Microcompartment Assembly*
Climate-driven divergence in plant-microbiome interactions generates range-wide variation in bud break phenology
Plant–microbiome interactions: from community assembly to plant health
Network Modeling of Complex Data Sets
Seasonal activities of the phyllosphere microbiome of perennial crops
Statistical analysis of feature-based molecular networking results from non-targeted metabolomics data