The genome of Polaromonas naphthalenivorans strain CJ2, isolated from coal tar‐contaminated sediment, reveals physiological and metabolic versatility and evolution through extensive horizontal gene transfer
Complete genome sequence of Sphaerobacter thermophilus type strain (S 6022T)
Draft Genome Sequences of Five New Strains of Methylophilaceae Isolated from Lake Washington Sediment
The gold-standard genome of Aspergillus niger NRRL 3 enables a detailed view of the diversity of sugar catabolism in fungi
Genome sequence of the orange-pigmented seawater bacterium Owenweeksia hongkongensis type strain (UST20020801T)
Draft Genome Sequence of the Basidiomycete White-Rot Fungus Phlebia centrifuga
Complete genome sequence of Anaerococcus prevotii type strain (PC1T)
Complete Genome Sequence of Francisella philomiragia ATCC 25017
Genome-Wide Analysis of Corynespora cassiicola Leaf Fall Disease Putative Effectors
Genome sequence of the ocean sediment bacterium Saccharomonospora marina type strain (XMU15T)
The YNP Metagenome Project: Environmental Parameters Responsible for Microbial Distribution in the Yellowstone Geothermal Ecosystem
Signatures of transposon-mediated genome inflation, host specialization, and photoentrainment in Entomophthora muscae and allied entomophthoralean fungi