Complete genome sequence of Spirosoma linguale type strain (1T)
Complete genome sequence of the filamentous gliding predatory bacterium Herpetosiphon aurantiacus type strain (114-95T)
Complete genome sequence of Jiangella gansuensis strain YIM 002T (DSM 44835T), the type species of the genus Jiangella and source of new antibiotic compounds
The draft genome sequence of the ascomycete fungus Penicillium subrubescens reveals a highly enriched content of plant biomass related CAZymes compared to related fungi
Complete genome sequence of Catenulispora acidiphila type strain (ID 139908T)
Complete genome sequence of Deinococcus maricopensis type strain (LB-34T)
High quality draft genome sequence of Brachymonas chironomi AIMA4T (DSM 19884T) isolated from a Chironomus sp. egg mass
Complete Genome Sequence of Nitrobacter hamburgensis X14 and Comparative Genomic Analysis of Species within the Genus Nitrobacter▿ †
High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of Thermocrinis jamiesonii GBS1T Isolated from Great Boiling Spring, Nevada
Genome sequence of Ensifer arboris strain LMG 14919T; a microsymbiont of the legume Prosopis chilensis growing in Kosti, Sudan
Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies
A comparative genomics perspective on the genetic content of the alkaliphilic haloarchaeon Natrialba magadii ATCC 43099T