Short-Term Nitrogen Fertilization Affects Microbial Community Composition and Nitrogen Mineralization Functions in an Agricultural Soil.
MicrobesOnline: an integrated portal for comparative and functional genomics
The Reference Genome of the Halophytic Plant Eutrema salsugineum
Microbial communities and biogeochemical functioning across peatlands in the Athabasca Oil Sands region of Canada: Implications for reclamation and management
Marsarchaeota are an aerobic archaeal lineage abundant in geothermal iron oxide microbial mats
IMG: the integrated microbial genomes database and comparative analysis system
Seasonal fluctuations in ionic concentrations drive microbial succession in a hypersaline lake community
Novel approaches in function-driven single-cell genomics
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A New Method to Correct for Habitat Filtering in Microbial Correlation Networks
High-resolution metagenomics targets specific functional types in complex microbial communities
Ammonia‐oxidising archaea living at low pH: Insights from comparative genomics