Feature selection and causal analysis for microbiome studies in the presence of confounding using standardization
Terabase-Scale Coassembly of a Tropical Soil Microbiome
The Chlamydomonas Genome Project, version 6: reference assemblies for mating type plus and minus strains reveal extensive structural mutation in the laboratory.
Metatranscriptomic Sequencing of a Cyanobacterial Soil-Surface Consortium with and without a Diverse Underlying Soil Microbiome
Genome Data Provides High Support for Generic Boundaries in Burkholderia Sensu Lato
Interactions between plants and soil shaping the root microbiome under abiotic stress
The BioMart community portal: an innovative alternative to large, centralized data repositories
GNPS Dashboard: collaborative exploration of mass spectrometry data in the web browser
Role of diversity-generating retroelements for regulatory pathway tuning in cyanobacteria
Functional autonomy of distant-acting human enhancers
Analyze Data
Succession in the petroleum reservoir microbiome through an oil field production lifecycle