The Genome Sequence of Psychrobacter arcticus 273-4, a Psychroactive Siberian Permafrost Bacterium, Reveals Mechanisms for Adaptation to Low-Temperature Growth▿ †
Genome sequencing provides insight into the reproductive biology, nutritional mode and ploidy of the fern pathogen Mixia osmundae
Complete genome sequence of Streptobacillus moniliformis type strain (9901T)
Complete genome sequence of the termite hindgut bacterium Spirochaeta coccoides type strain (SPN1T), reclassification in the genus Sphaerochaeta as Sphaerochaeta coccoides comb. nov. and emendations of the family Spirochaetaceae and the genus
Methylome and Complete Genome Sequence of Parageobacillus toebii DSM 14590T, a Thermophilic Bacterium
Signatures of transposon-mediated genome inflation, host specialization, and photoentrainment in Entomophthora muscae and allied entomophthoralean fungi
Absence of genome reduction in diverse, facultative endohyphal bacteria
JBrowse: a dynamic web platform for genome visualization and analysis
Genetic Bases of Fungal White Rot Wood Decay Predicted by Phylogenomic Analysis of Correlated Gene-Phenotype Evolution
Bacterial Genome Annotation
Genome sequence of the moderately thermophilic halophile Flexistipes sinusarabici strain (MAS10T)
Genome Sequence of Halomonas sp. Strain MCTG39a, a Hydrocarbon-Degrading and Exopolymeric Substance-Producing Bacterium