The genome of the intracellular bacterium of the coastal bivalve, Solemya velum: a blueprint for thriving in and out of symbiosis
Reconstructing each cell's genome within complex microbial communities—dream or reality?
Optimizing de novo genome assembly from PCR-amplified metagenomes
Complete genome sequence of Conexibacter woesei type strain (ID131577T)
Genome Sequence of the Chestnut Blight Fungus Cryphonectria parasitica EP155: A Fundamental Resource for an Archetypical Invasive Plant Pathogen.
Targeted Switchgrass BAC Library Screening and Sequence Analysis Identifies Predicted Biomass and Stress Response-Related Genes
Whole genome comparisons of Fragaria, Prunus and Malus reveal different modes of evolution between Rosaceous subfamilies
Expanding standards in viromics: in silico evaluation of dsDNA viral genome identification, classification, and auxiliary metabolic gene curation
Complete genome sequence of Pirellula staleyi type strain (ATCC 27377T)
Genome‐wide associations with flowering time in switchgrass using exome‐capture sequencing data
Identification and Structural Analysis of a Novel Carboxysome Shell Protein with Implications for Metabolite Transport
Complete Genome Sequence of Rahnella sp. Strain Y9602, a Gammaproteobacterium Isolate from Metal- and Radionuclide-Contaminated Soil