Biogeochemical Cycling by a Low-Diversity Microbial Community in Deep Groundwater
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
MIBiG 3.0: a community-driven effort to annotate experimentally validated biosynthetic gene clusters.
Metagenomic Sequencing of an In Vitro-Simulated Microbial Community
JGI Workshop at 2025 Aquatic Sciences Meeting
Prokaryotic community profiles at different operational stages of a Greek solar saltern
Murine colitis reveals a disease-associated bacteriophage community
Impacts of Maize Domestication and Breeding on Rhizosphere Microbial Community Recruitment from a Nutrient Depleted Agricultural Soil
Metagenomic and Metatranscriptomic Analyses Reveal the Structure and Dynamics of a Dechlorinating Community Containing Dehalococcoides mccartyi and Corrinoid-Providing Microorganisms under Cobalamin-Limited Conditions
A metagenome-level analysis of a microbial community fermenting ultra-filtered milk permeate
Community proteogenomics reveals the systemic impact of phosphorus availability on microbial functions in tropical soil
Metagenomic Profiling Reveals Lignocellulose Degrading System in a Microbial Community Associated with a Wood-Feeding Beetle