Genome sequencing and mapping reveal loss of heterozygosity as a mechanism for rapid adaptation in the vegetable pathogen Phytophthora capsici.
Microbiome engineering for sustainable agriculture: using synthetic biology to enhance nitrogen metabolism in plant-associated microbes
Web of microbes (WoM): a curated microbial exometabolomics database for linking chemistry and microbes
Fifteen years of microbial genomics: meeting the challenges and fulfilling the dream
BIGMAC : breaking inaccurate genomes and merging assembled contigs for long read metagenomic assembly
Genomic basis for the unique phenotype of the alkaliphilic purple nonsulfur bacterium Rhodobaca bogoriensis
Evidence for the widespread distribution of CRISPR-Cas system in the Phylum Cyanobacteria
Genome Sequence of Hybrid Vibrio cholerae O1 MJ-1236, B-33, and CIRS101 and Comparative Genomics with V. cholerae▿
Quantitative trait loci for cell wall composition traits measured using near-infrared spectroscopy in the model C4 perennial grass Panicum hallii
Metabolomics of sorghum roots during nitrogen stress reveals compromised metabolic capacity for salicylic acid biosynthesis
GenomeVISTA—an integrated software package for whole-genome alignment and visualization
ARBitrator: a software pipeline for on-demand retrieval of auto-curated nifH sequences from GenBank