Genome-based classification of micromonosporae with a focus on their biotechnological and ecological potential
Peatland microbial community responses to plant functional group and drought are depth‐dependent
Gene and transcript abundances of bacterial type III secretion systems from the rumen microbiome are correlated with methane yield in sheep
Major changes in microbial diversity and community composition across gut sections of a juvenile Panchlora cockroach
The molecular dimension of microbial species: 3. Comparative genomics of Synechococcus strains with different light responses and in situ diel transcription patterns of associated putative ecotypes in the Mushroom Spring microbial mat
Close association of RNA polymerase II and many transcription factors with Pol III genes
Substrate perturbation alters the glycoside hydrolase activities and community composition of switchgrass‐adapted bacterial consortia
Airway microbiota and bronchial hyperresponsiveness in patients with suboptimally controlled asthma
DNA hypomethylation of the host tree impairs interaction with mutualistic ectomycorrhizal fungus
Transitions of foliar mycobiota community and transcriptome in response to pathogenic conifer needle interactions
Conservative taxonomy and quality assessment of giant virus genomes with GVClass
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation