Large differences in potential denitrification and sediment microbial communities across the Laurentian great lakes
Aquifer environment selects for microbial species cohorts in sediment and groundwater
Marine DNA methylation patterns are associated with microbial community composition and inform virus-host dynamics
Microbiome Data Science: Understanding Our Microbial Planet
Ecological divergence of syntopic marine bacterial species is shaped by gene content and expression
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Metagenome Annotation Pipeline (MAP v.4)
Viral potential to modulate microbial methane metabolism varies by habitat
In vitro Characterization of Phenylacetate Decarboxylase, a Novel Enzyme Catalyzing Toluene Biosynthesis in an Anaerobic Microbial Community
Targeted and shotgun metagenomic approaches provide different descriptions of dryland soil microbial communities in a manipulated field study
Defining the eco-enzymological role of the fungal strain Coniochaeta sp. 2T2.1 in a tripartite lignocellulolytic microbial consortium
Characterization of digestate microbial community structure following thermophilic anaerobic digestion with varying levels of green and food wastes
New Biological Insights Into How Deforestation in Amazonia Affects Soil Microbial Communities Using Metagenomics and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes