A k-mer-based approach for phylogenetic classification of taxa in environmental genomic data.
Dissecting the dominant hot spring microbial populations based on community-wide sampling at single-cell genomic resolution
Comparative genomics analysis of drought response between obligate CAM and C3 photosynthesis plants
Genomic mechanisms of climate adaptation in polyploid bioenergy switchgrass
Niche of harmful alga Aureococcus anophagefferens revealed through ecogenomics
The Genomic Standards Consortium
The genomic standards consortium: bringing standards to life for microbial ecology
A reference genome for common bean and genome-wide analysis of dual domestications
In silico analysis of the expression profile of AA9 Lytic Polysaccharide Monooxygenases (LPMOs) and the CDH Cellobiose Dehydrogenase enzyme in wood-degrader Agaricomycetes. The Pleurotus ostreatus case
Expanding the genomic encyclopedia of Actinobacteria with 824 isolate reference genomes
Examining the cause of high inbreeding depression: analysis of whole‐genome sequence data in 28 selfed progeny of Eucalyptus grandis
IMG/M-HMP: A Metagenome Comparative Analysis System for the Human Microbiome Project