Diversity and population structure of northern switchgrass as revealed through exome capture sequencing
Water mass age structures the auxiliary metabolic gene content of free-living and particle-attached deep ocean viral communities
Fifteen years of microbial genomics: meeting the challenges and fulfilling the dream
Microbial Metagenomes Across a Complete Phytoplankton Bloom Cycle: High-Resolution Sampling Every 4 Hours Over 22 Days
Virus-Host Interactions and Genetic Diversity of Antarctic Sea Ice Bacteriophages
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
Microbial Community Field Surveys Reveal Abundant Pseudomonas Population in Sorghum Rhizosphere Composed of Many Closely Related Phylotypes
Viral community analysis in a marine oxygen minimum zone indicates increased potential for viral manipulation of microbial physiological state
The Metagenome of an Anaerobic Microbial Community Decomposing Poplar Wood Chips
Giant virus diversity and host interactions through global metagenomics
Substrate-restricted methanogenesis and limited volatile organic compound degradation in highly diverse and heterogeneous municipal landfill microbial communities
IMG 4 version of the integrated microbial genomes comparative analysis system