Genomic Analysis of the Yet-Uncultured Binatota Reveals Broad Methylotrophic, Alkane-Degradation, and Pigment Production Capacities
PolyCRACKER, a robust method for the unsupervised partitioning of polyploid subgenomes by signatures of repetitive DNA evolution
High-Throughput Metagenomic Technologies for Complex Microbial Community Analysis: Open and Closed Formats
Sparse panicle1 is required for inflorescence development in Setaria viridis and maize
HipMCL: a high-performance parallel implementation of the Markov clustering algorithm for large-scale networks
Simple and Rapid Site-Specific Integration of Multiple Heterologous DNAs into the Escherichia coli Chromosome
Complete plastid genome sequences suggest strong selection for retention of photosynthetic genes in the parasitic plant genus Cuscuta
Genomic characterization of three marine fungi, including Emericellopsis atlantica sp. nov. with signatures of a generalist lifestyle and marine biomass degradation
Genome sequencing and mapping reveal loss of heterozygosity as a mechanism for rapid adaptation in the vegetable pathogen Phytophthora capsici.
Development of genetic tools for heterologous protein expression in a pentose‐utilizing environmental isolate of Pseudomonas putida
High‐density linkage map reveals QTL underlying growth traits in AP13×VS16 biparental population of switchgrass
SNP Assay Development for Linkage Map Construction, Anchoring Whole-Genome Sequence, and Other Genetic and Genomic Applications in Common Bean