The complete genome sequence of Staphylothermus marinus reveals differences in sulfur metabolism among heterotrophic Crenarchaeota
Identification of a Novel Nematotoxic Protein by Challenging the Model Mushroom Coprinopsis cinerea with a Fungivorous Nematode
gRNA-SeqRET: a universal tool for targeted and genome-scale gRNA design and sequence extraction for prokaryotes and eukaryotes
Complete genome sequence of Olsenella uli type strain (VPI D76D-27CT)
One Complete and Seven Draft Genome Sequences of Subdivision 1 and 3 Acidobacteria Isolated from Soil
Biases in genome reconstruction from metagenomic data
Cilium Evolution: Identification of a Novel Protein, Nematocilin, in the Mechanosensory Cilium of Hydra Nematocytes
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata
Complete genome sequence of Jonesia denitrificans type strain (Prevot 55134T)
Discovering untapped biochemistry in microorganisms from hidden corners
A Catalog of Reference Genomes from the Human Microbiome
Genome sequence of the orange-pigmented seawater bacterium Owenweeksia hongkongensis type strain (UST20020801T)