Isolation of Histone from Sorghum Leaf Tissue for Top Down Mass Spectrometry Profiling of Potential Epigenetic Markers.
A Catalog of Reference Genomes from the Human Microbiome
A New Nomenclature of Xenopus laevis Chromosomes Based on the Phylogenetic Relationship to Silurana/Xenopus tropicalis
Draft Genome Sequence of Pseudomonas azotifigens Strain DSM 17556T (6H33bT), a Nitrogen Fixer Strain Isolated from a Compost Pile
Genome Sequences of Actinobacteria from Extreme Environments in Colombia
Expression and characterization of spore coat CotH kinases from the cellulosomes of anaerobic fungi (Neocallimastigomycetes)
Carboxydotrophy potential of uncultivated Hydrothermarchaeota from the subseafloor crustal biosphere
Sequencing the fungal tree of life
Identification of novel biomass‐degrading enzymes from genomic dark matter: Populating genomic sequence space with functional annotation
Non-photosynthetic lineages sibling to Cyanobacteria associate with eukaryotes in the open ocean
Genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. WSM1253; a microsymbiont of Ornithopus compressus from the Greek Island of Sifnos
Improved High-Quality Draft Genome Sequence of the Eurypsychrophile Rhodotorula sp. JG1b, Isolated from Permafrost in the Hyperarid Upper-Elevation McMurdo Dry Valleys, Antarctica