Long-Term Persistence of Three Microbial Wildfire Biomarkers in Forest Soils
Next generation sequencing data of a defined microbial mock community
Root cap cell corpse clearance limits microbial colonization in Arabidopsis thaliana
Microbial metabolisms in a 2.5-km-deep ecosystem created by hydraulic fracturing in shales
Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome‐resolved metagenomics
Strategies for Enhancing the Effectiveness of Metagenomic-based Enzyme Discovery in Lignocellulolytic Microbial Communities
Similar Microbial Communities Found on Two Distant Seafloor Basalts
Characterization of digestate microbial community structure following thermophilic anaerobic digestion with varying levels of green and food wastes
Comparative genomics provides insights into the lifestyle and reveals functional heterogeneity of dark septate endophytic fungi
Metagenomes and Metagenome-Assembled Genomes from Microbial Communities Fermenting Ultrafiltered Milk Permeate
Shotgun metagenomic analysis of microbial communities from the Loxahatchee nature preserve in the Florida Everglades
Does time matter? Intraspecific diversity of ribosomal RNA genes in lineages of the allopolyploid model grass Brachypodium hybridum with different evolutionary ages