Complete genome sequence of Archaeoglobus profundus type strain (AV18T)
Genome sequence of the phylogenetically isolated spirochete Leptonema illini type strain (3055T)
Genome-wide role of codon usage on transcription and identification of potential regulators
Draft Genome Sequence of Heavy Metal-Resistant Cupriavidus alkaliphilus ASC-732T, Isolated from Agave Rhizosphere in the Northeast of Mexico
Genome Sequences for Six Rhodanobacter Strains, Isolated from Soils and the Terrestrial Subsurface, with Variable Denitrification Capabilities
Complete genome sequence of Anaerococcus prevotii type strain (PC1T)
Community structure explains antibiotic resistance gene dynamics over a temperature gradient in soil
The genome of Xylona heveae provides a window into fungal endophytism.
Genome Streamlining, Proteorhodopsin, and Organic Nitrogen Metabolism in Freshwater Nitrifiers
Genome sequence of the homoacetogenic bacterium Holophaga foetida type strain (TMBS4T)
Genome sequencing and analysis of the biomass-degrading fungus Trichoderma reesei (syn. Hypocrea jecorina)
Complete genome sequence of Jiangella gansuensis strain YIM 002T (DSM 44835T), the type species of the genus Jiangella and source of new antibiotic compounds