Toward a Data Infrastructure for the Plant Cell Atlas.
SBOL Visual: A Graphical Language for Genetic Designs
Genomic Expansion of Domain Archaea Highlights Roles for Organisms from New Phyla in Anaerobic Carbon Cycling
Reductive amination cascades in cell‐free and resting whole cell formats for valorization of lignin deconstruction products
CO2-converting enzymes for sustainable biotechnology: from mechanisms to application
101 Dothideomycetes genomes: A test case for predicting lifestyles and emergence of pathogens
An efficient cre‐based workflow for genomic integration and expression of large biosynthetic pathways in Eubacterium limosum
Coral life history and symbiosis: Functional genomic resources for two reef building Caribbean corals, Acropora palmata and Montastraea faveolata
The Metadata Coverage Index (MCI): A standardized metric for quantifying database metadata richness
Science Stories
Bioreactor microbial ecosystems for thiocyanate and cyanide degradation unravelled with genome‐resolved metagenomics
Fuzzy GIS‐based multi‐criteria evaluation for US Agave production as a bioenergy feedstock