At the nexus of three kingdoms: the genome of the mycorrhizal fungus Gigaspora margarita provides insights into plant, endobacterial and fungal interactions
Virulence of banana wilt-causing fungal pathogen Fusarium oxysporum tropical race 4 is mediated by nitric oxide biosynthesis and accessory genes
Insight into trade‐off between wood decay and parasitism from the genome of a fungal forest pathogen
Transcriptome analysis of Brachypodium during fungal pathogen infection reveals both shared and distinct defense responses with wheat
Speciation Underpinned by Unexpected Molecular Diversity in the Mycorrhizal Fungal Genus Pisolithus
Comparative genomics reveals high biological diversity and specific adaptations in the industrially and medically important fungal genus Aspergillus
Narnaviruses: novel players in fungal–bacterial symbioses
Comparative genomics of Rhizophagus irregularis, R. cerebriforme, R. diaphanus and Gigaspora rosea highlights specific genetic features in Glomeromycotina
Shed Light in the DaRk LineagES of the Fungal Tree of Life—STRES
Structural and Functional Modularity of the Orange Carotenoid Protein: Distinct Roles for the N- and C-Terminal Domains in Cyanobacterial Photoprotection
A telomere-to-telomere genome assembly resource of Bipolaris sorokiniana, the fungal pathogen causing spot blotch and common root rot diseases in barley and wheat
Desert truffle genomes reveal their reproductive modes and new insights into plant–fungal interaction and ectendomycorrhizal lifestyle