Genome Sequence of the Methanotrophic Alphaproteobacterium Methylocystis sp. Strain Rockwell (ATCC 49242)
ALE: a generic assembly likelihood evaluation framework for assessing the accuracy of genome and metagenome assemblies
Complete genome sequence of Thermanaerovibrio acidaminovorans type strain (Su883T)
Genome expansion and lineage-specific genetic innovations in the forest pathogenic fungi Armillaria
Complete genome sequence of the termite hindgut bacterium Spirochaeta coccoides type strain (SPN1T), reclassification in the genus Sphaerochaeta as Sphaerochaeta coccoides comb. nov. and emendations of the family Spirochaetaceae and the genus
Worldwide Population Genomics Reveal Long-Term Stability of the Mitochondrial Genome Architecture in a Keystone Marine Plant
Genome-Wide Analysis of Corynespora cassiicola Leaf Fall Disease Putative Effectors
Unusual Metabolism and Hypervariation in the Genome of a Gracilibacterium (BD1-5) from an Oil-Degrading Community
The Chlorella variabilis NC64A Genome Reveals Adaptation to Photosymbiosis, Coevolution with Viruses, and Cryptic Sex
Partial genome sequence of the haloalkaliphilic soda lake bacterium Thioalkalivibrio thiocyanoxidans ARh 2T
Complete Genome Sequence of the Ethanol Producer Zymomonas mobilis NCIMB 11163 ▿
Draft genome sequence of strain HIMB100, a cultured representative of the SAR116 clade of marine Alphaproteobacteria