Sequencing of Genomes from Environmental Single Cells
Missing microbial eukaryotes and misleading meta-omic conclusions
Weakened resilience of benthic microbial communities in the face of climate change
Morphological and Genomic Features of the New Klosneuvirinae Isolate Fadolivirus IHUMI-VV54
Soil exchange rates of COS and CO18O differ with the diversity of microbial communities and their carbonic anhydrase enzymes
Experimental factors affecting PCR-based estimates of microbial species richness and evenness
Recruiting Human Microbiome Shotgun Data to Site-Specific Reference Genomes
Linking microbial Sphagnum degradation and acetate mineralization in acidic peat bogs: from global insights to a genome-centric case study
Depth-Differentiation and Seasonality of Planktonic Microbial Assemblages in the Monterey Bay Upwelling System
Comparative genomics and expression levels of hydrophobins from eight mycorrhizal genomes
The United States Culture Collection Network (USCCN): Enhancing Microbial Genomics Research through Living Microbe Culture Collections
Pathway-Centric Analysis of Microbial Metabolic Potential and Expression Along Nutrient and Energy Gradients in the Western Atlantic Ocean