Whole genome assembly from 454 sequencing output via modified DNA graph concept
Metagenomic compendium of 189,680 DNA viruses from the human gut microbiome
Small cells with big secrets
Complete Genome Sequence of Methanosphaerula palustris E1-9CT, a Hydrogenotrophic Methanogen Isolated from a Minerotrophic Fen Peatland
Draft Genome Sequences of Gammaproteobacterial Methanotrophs Isolated from Marine Ecosystems
Complete genome of Nitrosospira briensis C-128, an ammonia-oxidizing bacterium from agricultural soil
Isolation and Characterization of the Prochlorococcus Carboxysome Reveal the Presence of the Novel Shell Protein CsoS1D
Unique genomic traits for cold adaptation in Naganishia vishniacii, a polyextremophile yeast isolated from Antarctica
Updated Virophage Taxonomy and Distinction from Polinton-like Viruses
Complete genome sequence of the halophilic bacterium Spirochaeta africana type strain (Z-7692T) from the alkaline Lake Magadi in the East African Rift
Metabolic potential of a single cell belonging to one of the most abundant lineages in freshwater bacterioplankton
Metagenomic Discovery of Biomass-Degrading Genes and Genomes from Cow Rumen