Insights into the phylogeny and coding potential of microbial dark matter
Spatial, Temporal, and Phylogenetic Scales of Microbial Ecology
Metagenomic insights into evolution of a heavy metal-contaminated groundwater microbial community
Methane Cycling Microbial Community Characteristics: Comparing Natural, Actively Extracted, Restored and Unrestored Boreal Peatlands
Targeted and shotgun metagenomic approaches provide different descriptions of dryland soil microbial communities in a manipulated field study
Draft genome sequence of Dethiosulfovibrio salsuginis DSM 21565T an anaerobic, slightly halophilic bacterium isolated from a Colombian saline spring
IMG/M v.5.0: an integrated data management and comparative analysis system for microbial genomes and microbiomes
Genomics discovery of giant fungal viruses from subsurface oceanic crustal fluids
Assessment of the Deepwater Horizon oil spill impact on Gulf coast microbial communities
Controlling selectivity of modular microbial biosynthesis of butyryl-CoA-derived designer esters
Large-scale contamination of microbial isolate genomes by Illumina PhiX control
Substrate availability and not thermal acclimation controls microbial temperature sensitivity response to long‐term warming