Complete genome sequence of the aerobic, heterotroph Marinithermus hydrothermalis type strain (T1T) from a deep-sea hydrothermal vent chimney
Revised Sequence and Annotation of the Rhodobacter sphaeroides 2.4.1 Genome
Exploring the limit of metazoan thermal tolerance via comparative proteomics: thermally induced changes in protein abundance by two hydrothermal vent polychaetes
Draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas extremaustralis strain USBA-GBX 515 isolated from Superparamo soil samples in Colombian Andes
A new reference genome for Sorghum bicolor reveals high levels of sequence similarity between sweet and grain genotypes: implications for the genetics of sugar metabolism
New Insights Into the Influence of Plant and Microbial Diversity on Denitrification Rates in a Salt Marsh
Genome biology of the paleotetraploid perennial biomass crop Miscanthus
Seven genome sequences of airborne, bacterial isolates from Antarctica.
The amphioxus genome illuminates vertebrate origins and cephalochordate biology
Complete genome sequence of the extremely halophilic Halanaerobium praevalens type strain (GSLT)
Assembly of 500,000 inter-specific catfish expressed sequence tags and large scale gene-associated marker development for whole genome association studies
Complete genome sequence of the haloalkaliphilic, obligately chemolithoautotrophic thiosulfate and sulfide-oxidizing γ-proteobacterium Thioalkalimicrobium cyclicum type strain ALM 1 (DSM 14477T)