Identification, Heterologous Expression, and Characterization of the Tolypodiol Biosynthetic Gene Cluster through an Integrated Approach
Ecogenomics of virophages and their giant virus hosts assessed through time series metagenomics
Metabolic model predictions enable targeted microbiome manipulation through precision prebiotics.
Niche differentiation of bacteria and fungi in carbon and nitrogen cycling of different habitats in a temperate coniferous forest: A metaproteomic approach
Diverse ecophysiological adaptations of subsurface Thaumarchaeota in floodplain sediments revealed through genome-resolved metagenomics
Subsurface hydrocarbon degradation strategies in low- and high-sulfate coal seam communities identified with activity-based metagenomics
Correlation-based network analysis combined with machine learning techniques highlight the role of the GABA shunt in Brachypodium sylvaticum freezing tolerance
The Complete Plastid Genome Sequence of the Secondarily Nonphotosynthetic Alga Cryptomonas paramecium: Reduction, Compaction, and Accelerated Evolutionary Rate
Optofluidic Raman-activated cell sorting for targeted genome retrieval or cultivation of microbial cells with specific functions
JGI Snapshot
Tracking of enzymatic biomass deconstruction by fungal secretomes highlights markers of lignocellulose recalcitrance
Microfluidic-based mini-metagenomics enables discovery of novel microbial lineages from complex environmental samples