Nitrogen cycling microbiomes are structured by plant mycorrhizal associations with consequences for nitrogen oxide fluxes in forests
Philympics 2021: Prophage Predictions Perplex Programs
Comparative genomics analysis of drought response between obligate CAM and C3 photosynthesis plants
Bayesian Analysis of Congruence of Core Genes in Prochlorococcus and Synechococcus and Implications on Horizontal Gene Transfer
MetaHCR: a web-enabled metagenome data management system for hydrocarbon resources
Genomic Analysis of Aspergillus Section Terrei Reveals a High Potential in Secondary Metabolite Production and Plant Biomass Degradation
Genome-wide analysis of cytochrome P450s of Trichoderma spp.: annotation and evolutionary relationships
Brockarchaeota, a novel archaeal phylum with unique and versatile carbon cycling pathways
Genomic Analysis of the Yet-Uncultured Binatota Reveals Broad Methylotrophic, Alkane-Degradation, and Pigment Production Capacities
Orthophosphate uptake onto woodchips in denitrifying bioreactors is enhanced by anoxic-(anaerobic-)oxic cycling
Denoising inferred functional association networks obtained by gene fusion analysis
Comparative Transcriptome and Secretome Analysis of Wood Decay Fungi Postia placenta and Phanerochaete chrysosporium▿ †