Introducing New Members of the JGI User Executive Committee
JGI on the 2021 Highly Cited Researchers List
Panel Discussion: Launching & Sustaining Startups in Synthetic Biology
JGI@25: From Life at the Extremes to Editing Genomes
Expanding Virophage Diversity
Jane Grimwood Named HudsonAlpha Genomics Chair
Extracting the Secrets of Secondary Metabolites
What Happens Underground Influences Global Nutrient Cycles
A New Actinobacterial Chapter in the Genomic Encyclopedia of Bacteria and Archaea
From Intern to Published Scientist: The Journey of a JGI-UC Merced Intern
Interdisciplinary delegation from the University of Duisburg-Essen explores collaborative opportunities with Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Olpidium, The Key to the Origin of Terrestrial Fungi