High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. strain WSM1743 - an effective microsymbiont of an Indigofera sp. growing in Australia
Mieux connaître les virus présents sur Terre grâce aux métagénomes
High-quality draft genome sequence of Pseudomonas aeruginosa san ai, an environmental isolate resistant to heavy metals
High-Quality Draft Nuclear and Mitochondrial Genome Sequence of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. albedinis strain 9, the Causal Agent of Bayoud Disease on Date Palm.
Yaravirus: A novel 80-nm virus infecting Acanthamoeba castellanii
MIxS-HCR: a MIxS extension defining a minimal information standard for sequence data from environments pertaining to hydrocarbon resources
High quality draft genome sequence of Meganema perideroedes str. Gr1T and a proposal for its reclassification to the family Meganemaceae fam. nov.
High-quality permanent draft genome sequence of Bradyrhizobium sp. Tv2a.2, a microsymbiont of Tachigali versicolor discovered in Barro Colorado Island of Panama
Methane-derived carbon flows into host–virus networks at different trophic levels in soil
Virus diversity and activity is driven by snowmelt and host dynamics in a high-altitude watershed soil ecosystem
High-quality draft genome sequence of the Thermus amyloliquefaciens type strain YIM 77409T with an incomplete denitrification pathway
A High-Quality Genome Resource for the Oak Wilt Pathogen Bretziella fagacearum