Translating macroecological models to predict microbial establishment probability in an agricultural inoculant introduction
Wrinkles in the rare biosphere: pyrosequencing errors can lead to artificial inflation of diversity estimates
Fifteen years of microbial genomics: meeting the challenges and fulfilling the dream
Exploring the Structural, Biochemical, and Functional Diversity of Glycoside Hydrolase Family 12 from Penicillium subrubescens
Microbial community transcriptomes reveal microbes and metabolic pathways associated with dissolved organic matter turnover in the sea
Extensive epigenetic reprogramming during the life cycle of Marchantia polymorpha
Controlling selectivity of modular microbial biosynthesis of butyryl-CoA-derived designer esters
Diversity and biogeography of SAR11 bacteria from the Arctic Ocean
Substrate-restricted methanogenesis and limited volatile organic compound degradation in highly diverse and heterogeneous municipal landfill microbial communities
Diversity, taxonomy, and evolution of archaeal viruses of the class Caudoviricetes
IMG 4 version of the integrated microbial genomes comparative analysis system
Disentangling the effects of sulfate and other seawater ions on microbial communities and greenhouse gas emissions in a coastal forested wetland