Incorporating Genomics and Bioinformatics across the Life Sciences Curriculum
Single-cell genomics for the masses
High-Throughput Functional Genomics for Energy Production
Contrasting Life Strategies of Viruses that Infect Photo- and Heterotrophic Bacteria, as Revealed by Viral Tagging
Chapter Twelve Genomics for Key Players in the N Cycle From Guinea Pigs to the Next Frontier
Single-cell genomics reveal low recombination frequencies in freshwater bacteria of the SAR11 clade
Comparative plastome genomics and phylogenomics of Brachypodium: flowering time signatures, introgression and recombination in recently diverged ecotypes
The standard operating procedure of the DOE-JGI Microbial Genome Annotation Pipeline (MGAP v.4)
Patterns and ecological drivers of viral communities in acid mine drainage sediments across Southern China
Leveraging single-cell genomics to expand the fungal tree of life
Viral dynamics in a high-rate algal pond reveals a burst of Phycodnaviridae diversity correlated with episodic algal mortality
Trichoderma: the genomics of opportunistic success