Ecological Dichotomies Arise in Microbial Communities Due to Mixing of Deep Hydrothermal Waters and Atmospheric Gas in a Circumneutral Hot Spring
Multi-chassis engineering for heterologous production of microbial natural products
Impact of fire on active layer and permafrost microbial communities and metagenomes in an upland Alaskan boreal forest
A toolkit for microbial community editing
Patterns in Wetland Microbial Community Composition and Functional Gene Repertoire Associated with Methane Emissions
Millimeter‐scale genetic gradients and community‐level molecular convergence in a hypersaline microbial mat
The integrated microbial genomes (IMG) system in 2007: data content and analysis tool extensions
Microbial Ecology on Solar Panels in Berkeley, CA, United States
The microbial nitrogen cycling potential is impacted by polyaromatic hydrocarbon pollution of marine sediments
Metagenomics reveals niche partitioning within the phototrophic zone of a microbial mat
Microtopography Matters: Belowground CH4 Cycling Regulated by Differing Microbial Processes in Peatland Hummocks and Lawns
Microbial Community Structure and Functional Potential in Cultivated and Native Tallgrass Prairie Soils of the Midwestern United States