Variation in Root Exudate Composition Influences Soil Microbiome Membership and Function
Twenty-five years of Genomes OnLine Database (GOLD): data updates and new features in v.9.
Earth BioGenome Project: Sequencing life for the future of life
A novel ecological role of the Firmicutes identified in thermophilic microbial fuel cells
Landscape topography structures the soil microbiome in arctic polygonal tundra
acdc – Automated Contamination Detection and Confidence estimation for single-cell genome data
The emergence of microbiome centres
BioPig: a Hadoop-based analytic toolkit for large-scale sequence data
Identification and characterization of a skin microbiome on Caenorhabditis elegans suggests environmental microbes confer cuticle protection
Horizontal gene transfer in Histophilus somni and its role in the evolution of pathogenic strain 2336, as determined by comparative genomic analyses
Large-Scale Analyses of Human Microbiomes Reveal Thousands of Small, Novel Genes
Novel and Emerging Capabilities that Can Provide a Holistic Understanding of the Plant Root Microbiome